# Oracle strongly recommends that you specify multiple controlfiles, on separate physical disks and controllers, in the CONTROL_FILE initialization parameter.
# - If one copy is lost due to media failure, copy one of the others over the lost controlfile and restart the instance.
# - If you lose all copies of the controlfile, you must re-create it using the create controlfile sql command
# You should use RMAN to recover a backup controlfile only if you have lost all copies of the current controlfile, because after restoring a backup controlfile, you will have to open RESETLOGS and take a new whole database backup.
# This section assumes that all copies of the current controlfile have been lost, and than all initialization parameter files, datafiles and online logs are intact.
# Ensure you set your NLS_LANG environment variable e.g. in unix (csh):
# >setenv NLS_LANG american_america.we8dec
# Start RMAN without the TARGET option, and use the following commands to restore and recover the database;
# SET DBID ; use database id from RMAN output; not required if using recovery catalog
connect target sys/password@omr
startup nomount;
# you need to allocate channels if not using recovery catalog.
# allocate channel foo type sbt parms'';
allocate channel c1 type disk;
restore controlfile from autobackup # or
; alter database mount;
recover database;
alter database open resetlogs;
# you must take a new whole database backup after reerlogs, since backups of pre
vious incarnation are not easily usable