1. Deleting Target database using RMAN (PROD using RMAN)
Login as PROD user:
$ sqlplus /nolog
Sql> connect sys/pwd@connect_string as sysdba
Sql> startup mount exclusive
Sql> alter system enable restricted session
Sql> exit
Login as rman user
$ rman target sys/pwd@connect_string catalog rman/pwd@rman
RMAN> drop database including backup;
2. Deleting RMAN Database:
i. Connect to drop catalog
$ connect catalog rman/pwd@rman
RMAN> drop catalog;
RMAN> exit
ii. Check Datafile, Controlfile and Redo logs;
SQL> select name from v$datafile/ v$logfile / v$controlfile;
iii. Drop Database
SQL> startup mount exclusive restrict;
SQL> drop database;
3. Removing Oracle10g Software:
Login as software owner
Restrictions and Usage Notes (FROM ORACLE DOCS)
- This command can only be run from RMAN.
- You must be connected to the target database from RMAN while the database is mounted in EXCLUSIVE mode with RESTRICTED SESSION enabled.
- When using the "DROP DATABASE" command, RMAN drops the target database including the following files at the operating system level:
- Datafiles
- Online Redo Log Files
- Controlfiles
- SPFILE (if it exists)
- When including the "INCLUDING BACKUPS" clause, RMAN will delete the files listed above as well as the following files at the operating system level:
- Archive Redo Logs
- Backup pieces generated by RMAN for the target database
- When using the "DROP DATABASE" command with RMAN connected to a recovery catalog, RMAN will unregister the target database.
- The "DROP DATABASE" command does not delete the following files:
- init
.ora (text version of the Oracle initialization file) - password file
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